Boo at The Zoo

Zoo Knoxville, 3500 Knoxville Zoo Dr, Knoxville, TN 37914, USA

Attend Knoxville's largest Halloween event with your little new this season. This event is family-friendly and perfect for elementary school children and younger -- although, the older kids are welcome! Little trick-or-treaters will be able to grab some candy for their collection along the Boo Trail while seeing the sites of the zoo.This event is […]

Boo at The Zoo

Zoo Knoxville, 3500 Knoxville Zoo Dr, Knoxville, TN 37914, USA

Attend Knoxville's largest Halloween event with your little new this season. This event is family-friendly and perfect for elementary school children and younger -- although, the older kids are welcome! Little trick-or-treaters will be able to grab some candy for their collection along the Boo Trail while seeing the sites of the zoo.This event is […]

Boo at The Zoo

Zoo Knoxville, 3500 Knoxville Zoo Dr, Knoxville, TN 37914, USA

Attend Knoxville's largest Halloween event with your little new this season. This event is family-friendly and perfect for elementary school children and younger -- although, the older kids are welcome! Little trick-or-treaters will be able to grab some candy for their collection along the Boo Trail while seeing the sites of the zoo.This event is […]