Author - Gayle Fisher

Home & Garden

Yellow Jackets

Fall is here and we have had a cooling rain and the temperatures have finally dropped at night...

Home & Garden

Corn Poppies

Corn Poppies (Papaver rhoeas) are best known for their soft, breeze-blown flowers. This plant is...

Home & Garden

Ginkgo Trees

Ginkgo trees (Ginkgo biloba) often called the “Maidenhair Tree” are today’s living dinosaurs of the...

Home & Garden


Of all the plants we enjoy today in our gardens and in the wild, ferns are some of the most ancient...

Home & Garden

Bleeding Hearts

I was sitting in a horticultural class when the person beside me said, “The one plant that I will...

Home & Garden


The name mistletoe comes from two Anglo Saxon words ‘Mistel’ (which means dung) and...

Home & Garden

Summer Phlox

I am surprised I have never written about one of my favorite plants, tall phlox. I have enjoyed...

Home & Garden


Summertime and the living is easy. If you are looking for as easy plant to grow, try Heucheras...